Member Resources
Business Forms & Templates
To save you time, and essentially money, we’ve collated various business forms and templates for you to use.
These will help speed up your work flow and professionalise your business.
Some examples of the forms and templates you will find here are:
- Accident/Incident report
- Safe work practice form
- Fitness for work template
Corporate governance
The Corporate governance of SPAAL is transparent and we aim to keep the interests of our members at the forefront of everything we do.
In this section you will find information about the Board of Directors, our full Constitution as well as various policies and procedures we follow to ensure we operate in an ethical manner to uphold the integrity of SPAAL.
Useful Information
As a member of SPAAL you have access to a set of useful information that will give you quick advice and updates on the security industry.
In this section you will find useful checklists, guidelines, and policies.
If you do not find what you are looking for in this section, or have any additional useful information for us to add, please contact us.
Marketing Materials
Being registered as a SPAAL member is a big selling point for any business in the security industry. It shows a business actively staying up to date with the latest changes in the industry, not only locally but nationally too.
To make it easy for you to showcase your association with SPAAL and your SPAAL membership we’ve collated some marketing materials here for you to use.
Upcoming Events
As a SPAAL member you have access to various security industry events, and discounted tickets to selected events.
Stay up to date with everything happening in the security industry and meet valuable contacts by attending these events.
Check out the events calendar for all the upcoming events!