Where SPAAL receives a written complaint either from a Member or from the public in relation to the conduct of a Member or an officer of the Association, that complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with the Association’s Complaint and Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.

In the event that a Member wishes to make a written notification of a dispute with another Member (in its capacity as Member) an officer of the Association or the Association itself, that dispute shall be dealt with in accordance with the Association’s Complaint and Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.

The Complaints Management policy of SPAAL is to ensure proper response to complaints laid in the manner set out in this Procedure and treat each complainant with respect and undertake the investigation of the complaint in a timely manner and provide natural justice. Each complaint will be dealt with on its merits and proceeded with as set out in this Procedure.

Not every complaint received will be able to be dealt with by SPAAL due to a variety of reasons. When necessary, the advice of SPAAL Legal Officer will be obtained to determine the correct and legal response to a complaint which requires such advice.

This Procedure is subject to constant review and assessment of its practical, reasonable and efficient methodologies and practices to assist in mediating wherever possible, a reasonable solution between complainant and member concerned.

SPAAL models its Compliant Policy and Procedures on Complaints Standard SA 3806.