As part of the Australian Government’s plan to assist Australia’s economic recovery, the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments agreed in August 2020 to amend the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 to enable the introduction of automatic mutual recognition of occupational licences (AMR), subject to approval by respective parliaments.

Put simply, AMR will permit a person who is licensed in one jurisdiction to trade in the same manner in another jurisdiction, without any additional application, fee or other administrative process, apart from possibly notifying the second jurisdiction of their intention to operate in that second jurisdiction. The intention of AMR is to make working interstate much easier and less expensive and promote the mobility of licensees between jurisdictions.

On 17 December 2020, the Australian Government opened consultation on the AMR proposal, with the release of exposure draft legislation and consultation paper. The Commonwealth’s information may be accessed via the following link:

Submissions are due by 12 February 2021. Information on how to make a submission is in the consulation paper.

The SPAAL will be making a submission, members can email comments for inclusion in the SPAAL submission.

Please email your comments to by 22 January 2021.