Members make sure that you’re paying your employees according to the right tier so you’re reimbursed correctly.

Don’t forget, you have until 31 October 2020 to pay your employees for the JobKeeper fortnights starting 28 September.

For JobKeeper fortnights from 28 September 2020, there are two payment rates – a tier 1 (higher) rate and a tier 2 (lower) rate.

The rate will be stepped down in two stages.

  • The first payment rate decrease starts from JobKeeper fortnight 14 (28 September 2020).
  • A further payment rate decrease starts from JobKeeper fortnight  21 (4 January 2021).
JobKeeper fortnights Tier 1 rate Tier 2 rate
28 September 2020 – 3 January 2021  $1,200 $750
4 January 2021 – 28 March 2021  $1,000 $650

Entitlement to the tier 1 or tier 2 rate is based on whether an individual meets the 80-hour threshold.

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