The Senate has approved an inquiry into wage and superannuation “theft “by employers.

The inquiry comes after the admission by retail giant Woolworths that it had underpaid staff up to $300 million.

The Economics Committee is scheduled to report by the last sitting day in June next year.

The terms of reference are

  • indentify the best ways to uncover wage and super theft
  • determine how to protect those who expose underpayments
  • investigate the most effective ways to recover unpaid enntitlements
  • consider the tax treatment of recovered entitlements; and
  • weigh up changes to the exsiting legal fraework to assist with recovery and deterence

Review whether government procurement practices can be modified to ensure that public contracts are not awarded to businesses that have engaged in wage and superannuation theft.

Submissions from interested parties due by 14 February 2020. More Information