The Queensland Security Industry Workforce Development Plan 2020–2025 highlights the need for a collaborative workforce response to address rapid changes in the skills and workforce needs of the industry resulting from transformative technology and the changing needs of clients.

The plan will support the industry’s evolution and future growth through a long-term approach to workforce planning and development as it continues to be a significant contributor to the effective functioning of Queensland’s businesses and economy.

The 17 recommendations in the plan weave together the industry’s intent to drive positive and practical change.

The plan has been developed following extensive industry collaboration and input.

The Queensland Security Industry Workforce Development Plan 2020–2025 follows on from the Queensland Training Ombudsman review into training and assessment for Queensland’s security industry. The report included a recommendation for Jobs Queensland to collaborate with the industry to develop a long-term approach to workforce planning.

The SPAAL particpated on the Security Industry Advisory Group that developed the plan.

Read the Queensland Security Industry Workforce Development Plan 2020-2025